Savannah and Cosette returned to the studio to be photographed in their Christmas dresses. If you have a good memory, you will remember an earlier story about the ‘Perils of Cosette’. Somehow, Cosette likes to have her photo taken about as much as you and I enjoy a root canal! She will be three in the spring and we were all hopeful that “this time it would be different”.
Dad suggested that we start with the family photo, as last time, this didn’t happen – Cosette had posed for two or three photos with her sister and then would have none of the family grouping.
Smart smart dad! THIS time, she was perfectly happy for the first two family arrangements. When I bought Sammy the Squirrel puppet at the Arboretum this summer with Molly, I was actually thinking about children like Cosette who need extra happiness in the studio for a smile to sneak out 🙂
Sammy was a hit! I got THREE pictures of her smiling with delight and glee.
Well, after all; she is three. ……I remembered belatedly that a two to three year old is usually only good for about 5 minutes of smiling in the studio. Alas, the 5 minutes was up when we tried to take photos of the two girls together. It didn’t help matters when the two girls fell over backwards after an extra vigorous hug from big sister, either.
But, Cosette’s mom and dad left feeling confident that there were a few good images of the two sisters. With the help of Photoshop and head swapping, I was able to patch together a few sister shots. I also like the collage of the sisters interacting.
We are all looking forward with optimism to their summer garden photos when Cosette will be THREE AND A HALF! 🙂