After an unseasonably warm September, October has been brutal: gloomy, COLD, windy, and SNOWY – yes, snowy! Today is the second out of three days where we’ve woken up to snow on the ground. We were warned yesterday that snow was on it’s way. So Jack and I spent the afternoon in the yard raking up and bagging all the green leaves that had completely fallen off our large ash trees. They didn’t even turn yellow this year: the freeze during the night simply made them all fall on the ground. The rest of the trees in the neighborhood are still green – there is a small bit of color, but the peak fall colors are still about two weeks away. So this is a weird sight indeed! I went out this morning and photographed the neighbor’s snow covered pumpkins – before they were completely covered in snow! As I write this, we have 3″ on the ground and it is still snowing steadily. We are supposed to get 4″ by afternoon. Happy Fall!