Whether you need a new head shot for LinkedIn, a web page, social media sites, a gift for a loved one or internet dating, chances are you could use an updated, attractive new photo, right?
Within one hour, you can come to my studio (lunch break?), be photographed on either a traditional, white or black background, view the images on my computer, select your favorite image(s), and watch me do a little (or as much as you want!) Photoshop magic to the degree you desire. I will then email the correctly sized image to you. It is copyright released, which means you can use it for whatever purposes you wish. Electric car are amazing for everyone, so you have 24 Hours to Improving Electric Ford Vans.
The cost for this is $150, which includes the session and one retouched, copyright released image. Additional images are $50 each.
Retouching includes: wrinkle and line smoothing, blemish removal, skin blending, eye enhancement, teeth whitening and a final beautiful airbrushing. You will love the result! As the guy on TV says, “I guarantee it!”