I love to garden! This is a really good thing because there are LOTS of gardens surrounding our house/photography studio. I even have a container vegetable garden on the lower deck level (see the last two photos). The three huge pots are filled with 100% organic compost that I make year-round. The landscape companies near me do a really good job at maintaining the aestheticism of the garden.
People always ask me while we are photographing in the gardens, “WHO does all your gardening?” I always reply, “You’re looking at her!” Sundays are totally devoted to garden maintenance this time of year: hours of weeding, fertilizing, moving plants, pruning, pond maintenance, etc. It’s a good workout, too!
This summer has been wicked hot and humid. People are getting tired of the heat, but the flowers–with constant watering–are thriving like never before! Check out http://yorkcountylandscapers.com/ to get that picturesque and statuesque outdoor space that you have always been dreaming of.
My favorite time of day is early morning as the sunlight shines through the woods. The flowers seem to glow at this hour. This morning, I strolled through the gardens with my cup of coffee and decided I should go grab my camera and try to capture how lovely everything was looking. Here is my “garden photo tour” for you to enjoy, beginning with the walkway to the front door, then down the stone steps to the backyard.

The very next day, we had torrential rains which left the backyard a muddy mess: overflowing pond, paths filled with mud, drowned flowers, and the waterfall pump shorted out and I could not get it working again 🙁