When Krysy and Jesse moved their wedding date up to March 24th, I was very nervous. We were flying in from Palm Springs the night before and getting in very late. What if there was one of our famous March Blizzards? But, thanks to the warmest March on record, a mild 72 degree day made it seem more like a May wedding. It could not have been more perfect! (The previous Saturday would have actually been too HOT: 81 degrees on March 17th!)
We took advantage of the beautiful warm day and spent an hour outdoors with the wedding party. The wedding and reception was held at the historic Minneapolis City Hall. The downtown venue was a great backdrop, both indoors and out, for spectacular photo ops! Marble staircases, arches, stained glass, and then skyscrapers, busy city streets and clocktowers for outdoor props = happy wedding photographers! Did I forget to mention a happy, easygoing couple who were up for anything?
Jesse left before dawn the next day, as his National Guard unit has been deployed again (hence the earlier wedding date). I hope these photos will give them some happy memories to hold on to during their separation.

We love them! Many thanks to the Kentala family for capturing our very special day. We are excited to see the rest!
What elegance! And a beautiful couple! Enjoyed – and my very best wishes to the happy couple for a wonderful life together!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures! The wedding was wonderful and the bride was so beautiful!
What an amazing preview! So much beauty and drama.