The storms that were predicted for Saturday did not occur, which was a lucky thing for Alecia and Richard’s outdoor ceremony at the Eagan Community Center. However, the occasional ominous clouds provided a pretty backdrop for some of the photos!
The temps were in the high 80’s with a dewpoint in the 70’s. The guys in their black tuxes were really good sports about taking all the outdoor photos – we kept them mostly in the shade! The ceremony was a different story…. But it only made it that much more enjoyable when everyone got to go inside to the 20 degree cooler air conditioned reception. yaay.
Richard and Alecia, who met 4 years ago while working at Hollister, were the happiest, cutest couple! This was evident at the “checklist” meeting the previous Tuesday where they both excitedly shared all the details about their upcoming wedding. I took their engagement photos a year ago, and they were very happy that the wedding date was finally upon us!
Alecia’s primary goal was to have beautiful wedding photos and a custom designed Italian album. With both Molly and I shooting the “stills” and Jack shooting video, they will ALSO have a fabulous “fusion” slideshow that will blend the photos and video. Look for a “sneak peek” slideshow on this site in about two weeks.