Al, from Lakeville North, was the first senior from the Class of 2011 to be photographed at our studio last week. He was referred by one of our LNHS ambassadors, Shaun.
It’s hard to believe that the “season” has officially begun. He is incredibly busy during the summer, so his parents thought it was a great idea to take advantage of the early season deals. Seriously, everyone CANNOT come in August (by far our most popular month); also, all the summer sports start their two-a-day practices in August and then it becomes impossible to schedule a session.
Since we had an early spring, the outdoor “portrait park” is lush with beautiful perennial and annual plantings. I have never seen it look better! (Look for an upcoming blog article later this week with photos of the outdoor studio.)
Who do you think Al looks like? My answer is at the bottom of his photos…